Keeping in line with the incoming trends and technologies in the world of professional lighting, ams OSRAM one of the leading companies offering immaculate pro lighting solutions to customers globally, expanded its product range for entertainment and stage lighting with two new product profiles – the SIRIUS HRI PRO< VALUE, and CORE series of reflector lamps and NEOLUX 350W lamp and 380W lamp. In this article, Antonio Marino, Global Sales Marketing, ams OSRAM, reveals the value these two new products bring to the table, and why they have instantly become a preferred choice for clients around the world.
ams OSRAM aims to maintain the leading position in global entertainment lighting. This is why the brand is back in the market, after more than three years of the pandemic, with new products and new solutions, to face the challenges that large events and professional applications pose. In the century where everything is increasingly becoming digital, ams OSRAM continue to invest and introduce new products in traditional discharge technology, useful in all applications within the Entertainment market. ams OSRAM continues supporting the entertainment industry and together with industry players and lighting designers, the brand continues to provide excellent experience and innovation to match the market requirement and the industry demands. The world is finally getting back to normal, therefore, not only broadcasting market is stabilized and growing due to the request of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Prime, and Sky, but the entertainment market and show business is growing leaps and bounds. While the numbers of major events are not growing, the number of tickets for each individual show is growing significantly, making this business still very interesting. For this, ams OSRAM has expanded its range of products suitable for each type of application.
The SIRIUS HRI reflector lamps can therefore be used not only when a long life, high luminous efficiency is required, but also when a competitive price is a mandatory prerequisite, always ensuring that the clients receive impeccable service and support. The pro lighting world stays imbibed with new trends and technologies, but when a show requires beam or hybrid luminaires, the efficiency generated by SIRIUS’ light source is still the most effective, in terms of quality obtained and price paid, making it

a preferred lighting technology, for several years to come.
With more than 10 years’ experience, the SIRIUS HRI products lamps can deliver magnificent lighting, thanks to compact reflector lamps, with high light output for spectacular light effects, developed for small moving heads. OSRAM SIRIUS HRI lamps bring innovative technology to entertainment lighting at different levels. With a variety of different applications and fixtures in the market, the SIRIUS HRI has a comprehensive product portfolio providing three different versions with unique characters to fulfill different needs:
• SIRIUS HRI PRO: A line of ams OSRAM’s premium products that offer maximum output with very stable light throughout its life, with the possibility of being able to dim the power for an even longer duration.
• SIRIUS HRI CORE: A line of ams OSRAM’s standard products offering the best combination of performance and durability without additional control features.
• SIRIUS HRI VALUE: A line of ams OSRAM’s standard products offering the best value for the price conscious buyer.
NEOLUX Stage Lamps:
With this family of lamps, ams OSRAM has created a line of products for an even more difficult market, where the use of the product is guided only by the responsibility and knowledge of the manufacturer. NEOLUX offers a range of complementary and compatible products with the most famous manufacturers of appliances in the power of 230W, 280W, and 330W, built with attention and reliability to offer the market a safe replacement over time. ams OSRAM has expanded by developing the NEOLUX Stage Lamps for two more powers. From now on, OSRAM’s clients can also rely on NEOLUX’s 350W lamp and the 380W lamp.

Engineered by R&D teams in Germany, NEOLUX is tested throughout the production process and certified according a number of German and international standards such as RoHS, REACH, and ISO. In essence, ams OSRAM’s entertainment lamps deliver good performance at an affordable price.
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